3/17 Update on Coronavirus from Crystal Run Healthcare
Dear Patients of Crystal Run,
I am writing to provide you with another update regarding the Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, and to inform you of the steps we at Crystal Run Healthcare are taking to help keep you safe.
As before, I urge calm. We understand that the world around us has changed, a lot, in just the past several days. Much of the current societal and governmental reaction to COVID-19 is an attempt to slow the spread of the disease to avoid overwhelming the healthcare system, as we learn more about the disease itself and how to best limit its impact.
What we as a society do over the next few weeks has the potential to greatly impact the trajectory of this disease. As I stated in my last email, we are saddened that some have become ill, and that some have died from this disease. But, from what we know at this time, the vast majority of individuals who are infected with the novel Coronavirus recover uneventfully.
And now I would like to tell you what we are doing to assure your safety, and that of our staff. First, we have implemented increasingly stringent disinfection protocols at each office and encourage physical distancing. As you approach each office, you will be greeted by individuals who will verbally screen you for any symptoms that are consistent with flu or COVID-19. If you have any such symptoms, typically unexplained fever, cough, or respiratory symptoms, you will be directed to a specific office site or Urgent Care location for evaluation, and you will not be permitted to enter our regular office locations. Physical distancing of symptomatic patients from others, especially those most vulnerable to COVID-19, is being done to help prevent the spread of disease and protect our patients and staff.
If you have unexplained fever, cough, or other respiratory symptoms please do not come to our offices, but instead call our CORONAVIRUS HOTLINE (845-643-3909), where you will be directed to schedule an appointment at one of our COVID-19 evaluation sites. At these sites we have implemented strict protocols for the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and physical distancing of patients at-risk for COVID-19 from others.
In addition, we are in the process of rolling out a robust telehealth platform to help meet the healthcare needs of some of our patients who may not need to come to the office for at least some of their visits. I will provide more information about that in my next update.
As I stated in my last email, the care we provide our patients is important, and it must and will continue. The Coronavirus is serious, but so is heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis and the myriad other problems we know you count on us to help diagnose and manage every day. We remain here for you, for all your health care needs.
I would again like to give a “shout-out” to the Crystal Run team—all the staff and providers who work hard every day to help keep you healthy. They are on the front lines, and I cannot thank them enough for the service they provide to each of you. And thanks again, to you, our patients, for putting your trust in us.
Dr T
Hal Teitelbaum, MD, JD, MBA
Managing Partner & CEO