Your Guide to Winter Rash
In areas where notable changes of season occur, winter rash is a common and uncomfortable occurrence. Here’s what you need to know about the condition, including when to seek treatment.
Why Do I Get Winter Rash?
The reasons that a person can get itchy skin in winter vary. They may have an underlying condition like psoriasis that tends to be triggered by winter’s cooler temperatures. The drier air during winter can also cause winter rash, as can taking showers with hot water and using harsh soaps.
Often, a person will develop winter rash on the hands when they are exposed to cold and dry air.
How to Get Rid of Winter Rash
Using a humidifier, moisturizing after contact with soap and water, staying hydrated, avoiding direct sun for long periods, and covering exposed skin are all ways to get rid of winter rash on your own at home. If it doesn’t go away or worsens, a specialist can offer diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.
Winter rash is a common but manageable condition that can be caused by more serious skin problems. Learn more in this infographic from the dermatology team at Crystal Run Healthcare.