From couch to the London Marathon: Local Physician is taking on the six World Marathon Majors
Doctors don’t just dish out medicine – they also take their own advice. Dr. Manuel Perry, Board Certified Oncologist and Hematologist at Crystal Run Healthcare, has spent the past few years taking control of his physical and mental health through running. In addition to building endurance, better sleep, and releasing those feel-good endorphins, running also fosters a sense of community among those who run races and marathons. We interviewed Dr. Perry about his most recent accomplishment – running in the London Marathon – and what his running path looked like building up to it.
CRHC: We heard you ran the London Marathon – congratulations! How was your experience finishing it?
Dr. Perry: Running the London Marathon was a great experience! I have a photo that was taken when I was greeting my wife on the Tower Bridge at mile 13.
CRHC: How long have you been running and how did you start?
Dr. Perry: I’ve been running since 2013 when my wife inspired me to run. I started by using the Couch to 5K app on my phone. The following spring, I used the Couch to 10K app and ran the Orange Classic 10k (later renamed The Classic 10K Road Race presented by Crystal Run Healthcare). In 2016 I ran a segment of the Hambletonian Marathon in Goshen, NY with fellow oncologist, Dr. Varuni Kondagunta and her husband. I then ran several half marathons in Rock Hill, NY, and NYC.
CRHC: Those are some long distances! When did you start training for your first marathon?
Perry: I used Hanson’s Marathon Method (Beginner) for training. The philosophy behind it is to have three “runs of substance” every week. One run focuses on speed, another one focuses on marathon tempo pace, and a long run Sunday to slowly build up to marathon distance. The rest of the week builds up leg strength and endurance with three easier runs. The time commitment is substantial and peaks at 50 miles per week.
I ran my first marathon in April 2022 in Boston and finished in 4:59:15. I enjoyed the experience so much that I committed to running the six World Marathon Majors (Boston, London, NYC, Tokyo, Berlin and Chicago) over the next few years.
CRHC: And this brought you to the London Marathon this year?
Perry: Yes! My next stop was London where I finished a bit faster than last year at 4:56:21 using the advanced version of the same training method. Once again, it was an amazing experience. They were amazing and the crowd was incredibly energetic for the full 26 miles which made the rain inconsequential. I also raised money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
CRHC: Where is the next stop on your World Marathon Majors list?
Perry: My next marathon will be in NYC in November 2023.
CRHC: Good luck with your next marathon! We’ll be cheering for you!