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Francesca Joyce FNP-BC

Specialties: Obstetrics & Gynecology

Board Certified: Nurse Practitioner

Languages: English

General Info

Undergraduate: BS Nursing, College of Mount St. Vincent, Bronx, NY

Graduate: MS Nurse Practitioner Studies, Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh, NY

Clinical Interests:

Family planning, antenatal, prenatal, and postnatal care, adolescent gynecological care

Year Joined: 2023

About Me

What made you want to become a health care provider or what is your earliest memory of wanting to be one?

From an early age, I always knew I was interested in healthcare. I would watch medical shows and challenge myself to brainstorm differential diagnosis.

What do you love most about your specialty? / Why did you choose your specialty?

It wasn't until I went to nursing school where I was truly inspired by my maternity professor. She sparked my passion for the care of women, birthing persons, and their families. I was lucky enough to work as a RN in an inpatient birthing center where I met many OBGYN providers. When I worked with these doctors, I knew I wanted to be on their team and help treat all patients with kindness, respect, and diligence.

How do you connect with your patients?

Connecting with my patients and their families is a must for me. Without mutual connection and understanding, exceptional healthcare isn't possible. I always listen to my patients, and am an active participant in our discussions. To all my past, present, and future patients, you are heard and respected.

What are your interests outside of the office (hobbies, activities)?

Outside of the office I like to spend most of my time outdoors. This includes snowboarding, gardening, running, hiking, and travelling. My husband and I have two beautiful Pomeranians, who we love to spoil. And as if this isn't already hectic enough, we foster liters of puppies several times a year.

What is your advice for your patients?

My number one piece of advice to all patients is to be educated on your own health. You are your own best advocate!


95 Crystal Run Road
Middletown, New York 10941
P: 845.703.6999